Nembrotha purpureolineata - juvenile
July 13, 2007
From: Wyatt Ang

[Note added 4 March 2008: This is the new species Nembrotha aurea - see message #21419]
Season Greetings Bill!
I found this tiny slug which I believed to be a nembrothid but can't find exact reference to the animal i photographed. This specimen was recorded in Lembeh Straits at a site called Aer Perang at a depth of about 11 m amongst coral rubble, rubbish and volcanic sand. The closest i came across was Lindsay's Bluish animal [message #2781] which you suspected to be the juvenile of N. kubaryana. Though my featured animal may be a tiny juvenile, i was skeptical about it being closely related to N. kubaryana. It is somewhat diferent from Lindsay's animal by its wider and sparse longitudinal lines and there's orange colouration dorsally just in between the gills and rhinophores against its baby blue gradient. Any help on Identifical would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Locality: Lembeh Straits, 11 m, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Celebes Sea, 13 November 2006, Coral rubble, Silty, black volcanic sand. Length: 10 mm. Photographer: Wyatt.
Dear Wyatt,
This is a juvenile Nembrotha purpureolineata. I am not sure why it is apparently burrowing into the object it is sitting on. Perhaps it is an ascidian, which is the food of species of Nembrotha.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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