Philine orientalis? from Hong Kong
August 5, 1998
From: Bill Rudman

Here is some information on the Philine from Hong Kong which was studied by Morton & Chiu (1990). Its internal anatomy is very similar to that of the specimens of Species 1 I have looked at from California.
However, the shell is cut away at the bottom, not rounded as in Californian specimens and the gizzard plates slightly flatter. The pair of "pinholes" on the outside of the gizzard plates are not as prominent as in Californian specimens. The radular teeth are similar but as in Morton & Chiu's description the denticles often coalesce into clusters. In brief I am not sure whether this species is the same as the Californian species or if either are actually true Philine orientalis. ... Bill Rudman.
UPPER PHOTO: The inside of the gizzard plates. Scale = 10mm.
LOWER PHOTO: Outside of gizzard plates. Traces of the "pinholes" can be seen in the two larger plates. Inset showing dorsal view of shell.
PHOTOS: Bill Rudman
Morton, B. & Chiu, S.T., 1990. The diet, prey size and consumption of Philine orientalis (Opisthobranchia: Philinidae) in Hong Kong. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 56: 289-299.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Aug 5). Comment on Philine orientalis? from Hong Kong by Bill Rudman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Re: Philine orientalis? from Singapore
From: Loh Kok Sheng, March 17, 2009 -
Shell & gizzard plates of Philine orientalis
From: Dong Bum Koh, May 2, 2006 -
Philine orientalis from South Korea
From: Dong Bum Koh, December 16, 2005 -
Radula of Hong Kong Philine orientalis
From: Bill Rudman, August 10, 1998