Sebadoris nubilosa from the nthn Mariana Islands
February 28, 2007
From: Yukari Tani

Dear Dr.Bill,
I attach 3 pictures.
We think this animal is Sebadoris nubilosa.
Locality: Lau Lau Beach, 6m, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands,, Pacific Ocean, 12 January 2007, under the dead coral. Length: 120mm. Photographer: Yukari Tani.
Would you give us your advice, please ?
Best regards,
Yukari Tani, 2007 (Feb 28) Sebadoris nubilosa from the nthn Mariana Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Gon,
Yes this is Sebadoris nubilosa. The large crowded papillae on the mantle I quite characteristic of this species and it differs from similar looking species of Discodoris in having a fleshier, softer mantle skirt. In photos it looks quite look Dendrodoris tuberculosa but they can be easily distinuished by the colour of the underside of the mantle and foot. In fact Sebadoris nubilosa is instantly recognisable from its ventral colour pattern. There are many species with a translucent whitish underside with brown spots, but this species is the only one I know with a brown submarginal band around the mantle edge, so beautifully shown in lower photo
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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