Halgerda sp. 1. from the Philippines
March 3, 2000
From: Bernard Picton

Hello Bill,
It's good to see the Forum moving from strength to strength - I keep using it as an example to people here of a perfect website for species biology! I wish I had more time to get involved.
I was looking at your Halgerda pictures and would like some feedback on the
enclosed, as well as providing some more details of distribution and a couple of close-up pictures for some species. I've been confused for many years by the species I've found so to see that Shireen Fahey is now working on some gives me heart!
Firstly Halgerda malesso and your Halgerda sp.1. - Indeed I've been seeing Halgerda sp.1. regularly in Indonesia and first in the Philippines in 1983 - pictures enclosed. As Carlson says in the Forum it has no line at the edge but a row of yellow tubercles there (see close-up) as well as the reticulate yellow pattern. I think I have also seen a specimen without the reticulation or spots but I'll have to hunt out the picture.
[NOTE: Bernard has sent photos & notes on four other species of Halgerda which I will post separately over the next few days - Bill Rudman].
Best wishes,
Picton, B., 2000 (Mar 3) Halgerda sp. 1. from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2011Dear Bernard,
Thanks for the comments about the Forum - but 'perfect' may be going a bit far!
It's great to see the work on Halgerda starting to appear. I'm just about to change Halgerda sp. 2. to Halgerda stricklandi and Atsushi Ono has just sent a photo of an interesting species from Japan.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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