Re: Flabellinid genera Samla and Tularia

March 3, 2000
From: Juan Lucas Cervera

Dear Bill:

Thank you for your reply. It will help me. According to this, even if Tularia is not considered as a synonym of Flabellina, it can be considered within the Flabellinidae, as suggested by Miller?

Following the Millard's book (1997) and doing the appropiate corrections, the valid genera of Flabellinidae would be: Flabellina, Calmella, Chlamylla and Tularia. Am I overlooking someone else?

Thank you.


Cervera, J.L., 2000 (Mar 3) Re: Flabellinid genera Samla and Tularia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Lucas,
Can I have a reference to Millard, 1997 please? Concerning the flabellinid genera, I'll leave that for someone else to answer.
Bill Rudman.



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