Triopha maculata feeding
August 9, 2007
From: Kevin Lee

Here's a pair of Triopha maculata, found under a kelp leaf, a few weeks ago, at La Jolla Shores, Vallecitos Point, canyon. They were striking because of the color difference. From Dave's prior comments on Jim Lyle's posting (#16749 ), it appears the darker critter is the older. I do not know whether the pair were munching on the bryozoan on the kelp, but it certainly looked that way.
Locality: La Jolla, circa 90 feet, California, USA, Eastern Pacific, 07 July 2007, Sandy bottom, strewn with kelp blades. Length: 6 cm. Photographer: Kevin Lee.
Also, I include a photo of T. maculata, taken in August 2006, same location, alongside an egg coil, though I cannot confirm that the eggs belong to the nudi.
Lee, K., 2007 (Aug 9) Triopha maculata feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the great shots. Yes, this is the typical adult coloration with large pale blue spots, hence the name "maculate." From what I am hearing from other divers in your area, these guys are feeding on this encrusting bryozoan, Membranipora.
I can confirm that the egg mass is indeed that of T. maculata. Typical large cream white coil attached to the substrate on edge.
Thanks for sharing,
Dave Behrens
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