Re: Chromodoris africana feeding?
August 13, 2007
From: Natasja Vandeperre

Concerning message #20411:
Hello Bill,
This picture isn't very sharp, but I think it's just what you're looking for. This Chromodoris africana is feeding, isn't it? But I thought I already sent it to you.
Locality: Tofo, Mozambique, Indian Ocean, 16 July 2007. Photographer: Natasja Vandeperre.
Vandeperre, N., 2007 (Aug 13) Re: Chromodoris africana feeding?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Natasja,
Great picture - the bright red colour is a pretty good indication that this sponge is a species of Negombata, which seems to be the preferred food, or one of the preferred foods of a whole group of similarly coloured chromodorids. Your three records of this species feeding have more than doubled our knowledge on its biology.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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