Re: A new? Oxynoe from the Marshall Islands
August 27, 2007
From: Clay Carlson
Concerning message #20521:
As far as we know, this is an undescribed species of Oxynoe. We have it from Palau & Chuuk as well as Guam. Our largest measured specimen was 12mm; the average of those measured (9), 6.7 mm. The host has generally been Caulerpa filicoides --the only exception was a large population found in a protected area in Palau on C. fastigiata.
Locality: Guam, Bile Bay, 11 m, IP, 31 May 1971. Length: 7.0 mm. Photographer: Carlson & Hoff.
Clay Carlson
Carlson & Hoff, 2007 (Aug 27) Re: A new? Oxynoe from the Marshall Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Clay,
I'll call it Oxynoe sp. 4.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (Aug 27). Comment on Re: A new? Oxynoe from the Marshall Islands by Clay Carlson. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Re: Oxynoe sp.4 from nthn Mariana Islands
From: Takao Urasawa, April 18, 2008 -
A new? Oxynoe from the Marshall Islands
From: Scott Johnson, August 25, 2007