Oxynoe sp. 4
Superfamily: OXYNOOIDEA
Family: Oxynoidae
Reported on Forum from Palau, Chuuk & Guam (Carlson & Hoff) and Marshall Ids (Scott Johnson).
Locality: Guam, Bile Bay, 11 m, IP, 31 May 1971. Length: 7.0 mm. Photographer: Carlson & Hoff.
Pale greenish yellow, with large bright blue spots in patches between areas of large pointed tubercles. Distinctive dark blackish diagonal lines forming areticulate pattern on body and parapodia.
This appears to be a relatively small species, with Carlson & Hoff (#20565) reporting it to grow to 12 mm in length, but usually smaller than that; they report it usually on Caulerpa filicoides and once C. fastigiata.
Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (August 25) Oxynoe sp. 4 [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/oxynsp4
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