Lomanotus sp. 1 from East Timor
July 8, 2008
From: Brian Francisco

Concerning message #21668:
Hi Bill
We have one more for you. It's one of the more bizzare nudibranchs we've found here in East Timor. We appreciate your help.
Locality: Dili Rock, 14 metres, East Timor, Banda Sea, 9 March 2008, coral reef. Length: 1 cm. Photographer: Brian Francisco.

Dear Brian,
Thanks for this interesting find. It is the species I have called Lomanotus sp. 1 which can be easily distinguished from the other Pacific species, Lomanotus vermiformis, by its lobed body and elaborate pattern on the back. I presume the hydroid it is on is an aglaopheniid [a family of stinging hydroids] which seem to be the food preference of this group. While preparing your message I discovered two unpublished messages from Erwin Koehler which unfortunately escaped my notice in 2003 [#10796, #10797]. So I'll take this opportunity to post them as well as they seem to suggest this species starts life with a red band across its head.
I have included a close-up across the back to show the strange tracery of lines, ducts and branching gills which are very reminiscent of some members of the Scyllaeidae, such as Notobryon.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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