Re: Gymnodoris aurita from Philippines

July 25, 2008
From: Marcel A. Tanke

Concerning message #16156:

Dear Bill,
In Anilao we found several Gymnodoris aurita. In the first picture 3 specimens together (the third one is the one hardly visible on the left). The right one seems to have damaged gills.

Locality: Anilao, Kirby's Rock site, about 10 meters, Philippines, 12 July 2008, sandy / rocky area. Length: 10 cm. Photographer: Marcel Tanke.

The two lower photos are of the same animal.

Best regards,

Tanke, M.A., 2008 (Jul 25) Re: Gymnodoris aurita from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Marcel,

I think you have 4 animals in the top photo. There are 3 animals nestled together - one in the middle with gills intact and fully extended, one above it in the photo with damaged gills, and one below it with gills and rhinophores fully retracted. There is also one in a crevice below them - you can see a bit of it on the left of the photo.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2008 (Jul 25). Comment on Re: Gymnodoris aurita from Philippines by Marcel A. Tanke. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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