Re: Hypselodoris tricolor on Cacospongia
November 4, 2008
From: Vincent Maran

Concerning message #22011:
Dear Bill
I am of course very happy for you to include these photos on the Sea Slug Forum which we appreciate very much as a reference work for us. With a lot of friends, we are trying to build a good website about marine biology :
Concerning the photos of Hypselodoris tricolor on its sponge - we were just lucky ! to take these pictures. They were taken in August 2001 when diving near Marseille [20 m], on the mediterranean coast of France
Best wishes
Vincent Maran
Maran, V., 2008 (Nov 4) Re: Hypselodoris tricolor on Cacospongia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Vincent,
Thanks for sharing these photos with us. On your website you write that the upper photos shows: 'A small group of H. tricolor on their favourite sponge, Cacospongia sp.'
I am glad Sylvain Le Bris drew our attention to your photos, because until now the scientific literature believed H. tricolor ate Dysidea. As I am sure you are aware, 'science' is still having trouble deciding how many species of blue chromodorids are to be found in the Mediterranean, and how we can identify them. Fortunately in your lower photo the animal has its gills extended so we can see that it has uniformly dark blue rhinophores and blue gills with a white line along the outer edge which are at present considered characters of H. tricolor.
Good luck and congratulations on your website. It contains many interesting and potentially valuable observations.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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