Mystery gymnosome pteropod from Antarctica
January 27, 2010
From: Erling Svensen

Dear Bill,
To accompany my message on Charcotia granulosa from Antarctic peninsula [message #23039], here is one of what I think is the "ocean angel" Clione antarctica, the free swimming nudy....
Locality: Antarctic peninsula, 15 meter, Anarctica, March 2008. Length: 4 cm. Photographer: Erling Svensen.
Erling Svensen
Svensen, E., 2010 (Jan 27) Mystery gymnosome pteropod from Antarctica. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Erling,
Thanks for this. Photos of living pteropods from anywhere are very interesting, and because of the locality these from polar waters are of particular interest because of their rarity. I have little experience at identifying living pteropods but I suspect these are not Clione antarctica. My understanding is that it is very similar externally to Clione limacina which is reddish in colour, and much more 'streamlined' in shape. Also your animal has two broad ciliated bands around the body which are not visible in Clione - but then again I could be wrong.
If anyone can confirm this as Clione antarctica, or offer another identification, I would be grateful
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman