Mating Oxynoe antillarum

February 18, 2010
From: Michael Davis

Note added 18 Feb 2010: On the basis of the egg size, Kathe Jensen considers this is most likely Oxynoe azuropunctata [see message #23250]

Concerning message #22618:


I currently have a handful of Oxynoe antillarum most likely Gulf of Mexico strain. They appear to be fond of my Caulerpa mexicana that I got in a recent Macro order. I have been witnessing courtship behaivor and have spotted several egg masses. I have counted atleast 8 of them so far. Is there any information on life span?

Illinois, United States, Aquarium photos, 21 January 2010, Macroalgae. Length: 0.5 Inches. Photographer: Michael Davis.

Michael Davis.

Davis, M., 2010 (Feb 18) Mating Oxynoe antillarum. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Michael,

I am not sure if their lifespan has been studied but if it has I am sure Kathe Jensen will be able to help out. Most of these species have a short lifespan of less than a year. If you are thinking of breeding them from the eggs, this could be difficult, as it is usually very difficult to keep the larvae alive.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2010 (Feb 18). Comment on Mating Oxynoe antillarum by Michael Davis. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Related messages

  1. Re: Mating Oxynoe antillarum
    From: Kathe R. Jensen, February 18, 2010

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