Oxynoe azuropunctata
Jensen, 1980
• Jensen, K.R. (1980) Oxynoe azuropunctata, n. sp., a new sacoglossan from the Florida keys (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 46: 282-292.
See separate page for full Reference List
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2003 (February 24) Oxynoe azuropunctata Jensen, 1980 . [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/oxynazur
Related messages
Mating Oxynoe antillarum
February 18, 2010
From: Michael Davis
Note added 18 Feb 2010: On the basis of the egg size, Kathe Jensen considers this is most likely Oxynoe azuropunctata [see message #23250]
Concerning message #22618:
I currently have a handful of Oxynoe antillarum most likely Gulf of Mexico strain. They appear to be fond of my Caulerpa mexicana that I got in a recent Macro order. I have been witnessing courtship behaivor and have spotted several egg masses. I have counted atleast 8 of them so far. Is there any information on life span?
Illinois, United States, Aquarium photos, 21 January 2010, Macroalgae. Length: 0.5 Inches. Photographer: Michael Davis.
Michael Davis.
Davis, M., 2010 (Feb 18) Mating Oxynoe antillarum. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/23140
Dear Michael,
I am not sure if their lifespan has been studied but if it has I am sure Kathe Jensen will be able to help out. Most of these species have a short lifespan of less than a year. If you are thinking of breeding them from the eggs, this could be difficult, as it is usually very difficult to keep the larvae alive.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Mating Oxynoe antillarum
February 18, 2010
From: Kathe R. Jensen
Concerning message #23140:
Dear Michael and Bill,
The egg capsules on Michael's photos look more like those of Oxynoe azuropunctata. The capsules seem to be large relative to the eggs/embryos, which indicates lecithotrophic development. Do you have any idea about the size of the individual egg capsules? In O. azuropunctata they could be almost half a millimeter in diameter. With lecithotrophic development the animals could have been just egg masses on the algae when they were collected.
I don't know about life span of any Oxynoe (or most other sacoglossans). I usually collected only the number of specimens I needed for my experiments, and after that they did not die of old age.
Larval development in O. azuropunctata takes about 4 weeks, and the larvae are able to crawl about on the algae right away though they do have a small velum for swimming. This is lost a few days after hatching. It would be fun to know if you suddenly have Oxynoe babies in your aquarium.
Best wishes,
Jensen, K.R., 2010 (Feb 18) Re: Mating Oxynoe antillarum. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/23250Thanks Kathe,
If anyone has a clear photo of O. azuropunctata we could add to the Forum I would be very grateful
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman