Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa from Lembeh
March 30, 2010
From: De Lorenzi Franco

Dear Dr Rudman
This summer in Lembeh I found this doridae. I tried to identify it but in all my books there is nothing similar, therefore I thought it is a juvanile form or what else. I hope it may be an interesting species.
Locality: Nudi falls - Lembeh strait, 25 m, indonesia, indopacific ocean, 24 august 2009, broken coral, sand. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: De Lorenzi Franco.
Thanks for your help.
De Lorenzi Franco, 2010 (Mar 30) Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa from Lembeh . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/23354Dear Franco,
This is Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa which seems to be quite common in the Indonesian region
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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