Dendrodoris nigra from Sulawesi
July 25, 2000
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
This Dendrodoris was found by Guillermo Moreno on 18 October 1999 at a
depth of 37 ft on coral rubble and filamentous algae in a sheltered spot on Pulau Hoga [Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia - Operation
Wallacea]. Size: 10 mm.
It was completely black except for the white tips on the lamellate rhinophores and three white specks on one side of the notum. The edge of the mantle seemed to curl up on itself to a small extent (rather like Hexabranchus
sanguineus) and at the anterior end was a band of "speckled, glittery dark
orange / burgundy" which was clearer when its head was facing up towards one. The branchial plume is set way back on the notum. There was a hint of 'orange glitter' on the upper surface of the foot. Down the notum was a 'humped' central area. Photo: Lindsay Warren
Are we right in thinking it is Dendrodoris nigra?
All the best
Warren, L., 2000 (Jul 25) Dendrodoris nigra from Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Lindsay,
Yes you are right in thinking it is D. nigra. The cluster of small gills set quite a way back on the mantle is quite a good character separating it from Dendrodoris fumata.
The traces of a submarginal red-orange band around the anterior end of the mantle [see inset] is interesting. When it was smaller it probably has quite a spectacular submarginal red band all around the mantle edge. Only some specimens have this band, and those that do usually gradually lose it as the animal grows. A range of colour forms can be seen at the top of the page.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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