Nembrotha milleri from Solomon Ids
August 2, 2000
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
Here is a slug to add to your Forum. Nembrotha milleri was described by Gosliner and Behrens in 1997 and named for branchophile Michael D. Miller. It was originally found in the Philippines and Sulawesi. I found several of them on a reef in the Florida Group of the Solomon Islands in November, 1999. They were about 45 mm long and were crawling on top of the reef at about 10 meters. This reef has lots of ascidians, which Behrens reports is their prey. I also found a large number of Nembrotha kubaryana and Nembrotha cristata at this divesite.
Mary Jane
Adams, M.J., 2000 (Aug 2) Nembrotha milleri from Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mary Jane,
These dark green coloured species of Nembrotha are very difficult to photograph. The colour and 'velvet-like' nature of their skin seems to suck in all the light, leaving none for the photo. I have includede enlarged sections of the head and gills to give everyone an indication of the colour pattern.
I have also enlarged a little group of an ascidian with a deep green ring around the inhalent and exhalent siphons. There are a number of clumps of these in your upper photo it is actually pressing its head against such a clump. Gosliner & Behrens (1997) state that this species has not been found in association with a specific prey, but on your suggestion I have checked this with Dave Behrens who says:
"Yes, this is the species of tunicate we always find N. milleri feeding on in the Philippines. The type locality, Devil's Point, Batangas Region, Luzon, Philippines is covered with this colonial ascidian, which we have had identified as Sigillina signifera".
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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