Nembrotha milleri from Malaysia
July 28, 2002
From: Kenneth

Hi Dr Bill:
On a recent dive trip I spotted this nudibranch. The closest looking nudi I find in my book is Tambja kushimotoensis however these guys don't have stripes of blue on them. So I am wondering if you could help me id. them thanks.
Depth: 8M
Time 2 Pm
Location: Teggol Island, West Malaysia.
Kenneth, 2002 (Jul 28) Nembrotha milleri from Malaysia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kenneth,
This is Nembrotha milleri. Species of Nembrotha and Tambja are quite similar in shape but they feed quite differently, Tambja eating arborescent bryozoans and species of Nembrotha eating ascidians (sea squirts, tunicates). In your photo you can see that the two animals are crawling through a "Nembrotha heaven" surrounded by small ascidians. There are at least two different species in your photo, probably the same as those in Bruce Potter's message. In an earlier message the preferred food of this species was identified as Sigillina signifera. It would be interesting to get some more observations and hopefully photos of it feeding to see if it has a wider choice of food than just one species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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