Another Samoan nudibranch
August 29, 2000
From: Don Barclay

Hi Again, Bill,
This brown-mottled nudibranch was found near the Glossodoris in 17 meters of water, also under a rock, east of Fagamalo village on the northwest side of Tutuila, American Samoa. Collected 3 pm local time, 26 August 2000. This one was also approximately 20mm when it was crawling.
The rhinophores look fairly distinctive, with a "ball" of reddish orange near the ends, a black or dark purple ring just on top of the ball, and a white tip. Can you ID it for us?
Thanks again,
Barclay, D., 2000 (Aug 29) Another Samoan nudibranch. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Don,
I am pretty sure this is a colour form of the very variable Dendrodoris nigra. The rhinophores are quite distinctive, and in juveniles they often have this red and black banding. Have a look at photos I, F, above which show animals with the same coloured rhinophores.
It looks to me as though this could be a coastal colour form. Was this from an area with much silt in the water or near a river mouth?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
Note added 31 August 2000: See Don's reply saying that the water at this site is always exceptionally clear.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Aug 29). Comment on Another Samoan nudibranch by Don Barclay. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
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