Stylocheilus from the Caribbean
September 27, 2000
From: Barry Lipman

This is one of two critters I found on a very popular dive site on Grand Cayman last week [September 2000]. The depth was about 50 feet. Both were found at night on the same dive, on coral or on a sponge, where the sand meets the reef. They are very small, 1/2 to 3/8 inch or so.
I am, as always, very curious. I appreciate your help in this matter, and if I can return the favor in any way, let me know.
I am a pro-photographer specializing in marine life and travel photography. My website is at
Barry Lipman
Lipman, B., 2000 (Sep 27) Stylocheilus from the Caribbean. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Barry,
This animal is a small Sea Hare called Stylocheilus striatus. It has a circumtropical distribution, being found in both the Caribbean and the Indo-West Pacific. Any other Caribbean Sea Slugs you photograph would be very welcome on the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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