More Phyllidiella mimic pics
December 3, 1998
From: Michael Miller

Dear Bill,
While diving in the Philippines earlier this year, I came across a specimen of Phyllidiella pustulosa on a wall but didn't think too much about it until the flatworm Pseudoceros imitatus was sighted a short distance from P. pustulosa. The resemblance of the flatworm to the the branch was uncanny.
Happenstance that they were both in close proximity??
Mike Miller
Miller, M.D., 1998 (Dec 3) More Phyllidiella mimic pics. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mike,
They are amazing. I've rearranged the photo you sent me. If I'm right, the top photo is of the flatworm, the bottom of the phyllidiid? Let me know if they've fooled me.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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