Re: Armina sp. 7

July 4, 2001
From: Ron Greer

Dr. Rudman,
In reference to Armina sp. 7, thanks for your help, its nice to know I didn't miss an obvious identification. I only recorded the year unfortunately - 1995, 'Summer'. I should have been more diligent. It was the only example I saw, and have seen none since.
Ron Greer.

Greer, R., 2001 (Jul 4) Re: Armina sp. 7. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Ron,
Thanks for any information. It is an interesting find - perhaps a stray and lonely larvae .... and lonely adult when it grew up ... that drifted down to Port Stephens from the tropical north.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman


Armina sp. 7

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