Oxynoe viridis from Hachijo Island, Japan
August 17, 2001
From: Nishina Masayoshi

Dear Dr.Rudman,
Oxynoe viridis is rare in Sagami Bay but common in Hachijo at the right time of the year. It is a seasonal animal being present between June to October when the green alga is growing.
Date: 29 June, 2001
Place: Sokodo, Hachijo Island, Japan
Depth: 4m
Photos by Nishina Masayoshi.
Size: UPPER is 50mm which I think is the biggest it grows here. LOWER LEFT - 20mm and LOWER RIGHT - 10mm are within the normal size range here.
Best regards,
Nishina Masayoshi
Dear Nishina,
Thanks very much for these photos. By chance I also have some photos from South Australia which I will also post today for comparison.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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