Hypselodoris tricolor? from Italy
January 21, 1999
From: Roberto Moresco

Dear dr.Bill Rudman,
I writing to tell you that I have sent you by mail some photos of our adults of Hypselodoris tricolor, collecting in Mar Ligure, and living now in Acquario di Genova. [Ligurian Sea, north western Italy. 25mm long alive.]
Good new year.
Roberto Moresco
Moresco, R., 1999 (Jan 21) Hypselodoris tricolor? from Italy. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/500Dear Roberto,
Thanks for the photos. I am very interested in the blue chromodorids from the Mediterranean because they show a mimicry very similar to the red-spotted species in south-eastern Australia. It would be good to have photos of the other Mediterranean species for comparison as it is such a good example of colour mimicry.
I am not an expert on Mediterranean chromodorids so I hesitate to suggest that your animals may not be H. tricolor but they look very like the animal illustrated in the Atlas of Mediterranean Nudibranchs (Pl 4, fig 6) as Hypselodoris messinensis.
Also, in your earlier message you describe the larvae as lasting for some days as feeding veligers, while Haefelfinger (1969) suggests that H. tricolor has direct development, with no veliger stage. Haefelfinger also reports that H. messinensis has much smaller eggs indicative of planktotrophic larvae. Is it possible you have H. messinensis or did Haefelfinger misidentify his material? Most, but not all, photos I have seen identified as H. tricolor are of a dark blue animal with a yellow-orange border and a white median line. Is that just one colour form of the species? I would be very interested in your thoughts.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman.
• Cattaneo-Vietti, R., Chemello, R. & Gianuzzi-Savelli, R. (1990). Atlas of Mediterranean Nudibranchs. La Conchiglia: Rome.
• Haefelfinger, HR., 1969. Contribution a la systematique des Glossodoridiens mediterraneens (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia). Rev. Suisse Zool.,76: 703-710.
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