Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis Holotype
May 23, 2002
From: Bernard Picton

Note added 9 Sept 2003: See messages from Bernard Picton and Michael Schroedl showing that this is not the holotype of P. sinaiensis and is possibly a specimen of Phyllidiella pustulosa.
Dear Bill,
I just found the box of slides of Red Sea Phyllidiids I sent to Nathalie Yonow which includes pictures of Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis - the specimen which was later designated as the holotype. I've sent 2 scans here. NB. you (quoting Brunckhorst) describe the rhinophores as black basally and pale apically - actually they are black at the tip and pale at the base (as in other species with bicoloured rhinophores).
Nathalie describes them thus:
'the tip is black and this extends proximally down the posterior side, so that at the base the rhinophore is mostly gray with a posterior black line'.
I can't see this in any of my pictures but that may be because of the angle, it is a good description of the rhinophores in P. krempfi however!
Picton, B., 2002 (May 23) Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis Holotype. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bernard,
I must say I hadn't noticed Brunckhorst's slip with the rhinophore colours. The rhinophore colours are fairly critical in this group and it appears that Yonow was also confused. Your photo of the holotype and Erwin Koehler's photo suggest that the upper half of the rhinophoore club is black and the base is white or colourless. There is no sign of the black posterior line that she mentions. Perhaps she had specimens of P. krempfi mixed up in the material she was using. From your accompanying message it seems the two species are easy to confuse.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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