Chromodoris strigata? from the Red Sea
April 26, 2002
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Here is another photo of a nudibranch I saw at the end of March, when I spent a week in Egypt. It was a dive cruise at the North of Red Sea, between Hurghada and Sinai mountains.
Is this Chromodoris quadricolor?
Best wishes,
Poddubetskaia, Marina. , 2002 (Apr 26) Chromodoris strigata? from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marina,
There is a complex of black lined species and I still think we have a way to go to before they are completely separated. I think this is Chromdoris strigata. In all animals I have seen there is a consistent pattern of 5 large translucent grayish patches on the dorsum, 2 behind the rhinophores, 2 in front of the gills, and one in the centre. I can't recall it being recorded from the Red Sea as yet, but it is known from Madagascar at the southern end of the western Indian Ocean.
Best wishes.
Bill Rudman
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