Re: Flabellina? from Okinawa, Japan
July 11, 2002
From: Nishina Masayoshi
Dear Bill,
This animal in Tsuyoshi Kawamoto's message
and Cuthona sp. 6 in the book Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef are similar.
Best Regards,
Nishina Masayoshi
Masayoshi, N., 2002 (Jul 11) Re: Flabellina? from Okinawa, Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Nishina,
I am sure you are right. By co-incidence, it is also Cuthona sp. 6 in the Forum. Thanks for not forgetting the species 'lost' on the 'unidentified' pages.
Bill Rudman
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