Concentration of dorids in Peru
October 24, 2002
From: Jorge Luque

Dear Dr. Rudman:
We have found large Pleurobranchus concentration, (2 to 16 meters deep and added to rock walls and botton), in the Independence Bay, 260km south of Lima, Peru.
They were 2-9cm long. We think they are Pleurobranchus areolatus, but we are not sure because of their strong orange color. They don`t have shell.
We appreciate all your help.
Best Regards,
Jorge Luque.

Dear Jorge,
I think this is the is the first opisthobranch from Peru on the Forum! It certainly looks like the photos of Pleurobranchus areolatus from southern California, but this is a dorid nudibranch not a pleurobranch. If this were a pleurobranch there would be a prominent gill on the right side of the body below the mantle. In the photos alongside I have labelled some of the main anatomical features.
I am afraid my only knowledge of Peruvian opisthobranchs is from the few scientific publications from the west coast of South America. Marcus (1959) reports a number of species of Neodoris and Anisodoris from Chile, which have a similar external appearance. I suspect your animal may be a species of Anisodoris. If we are lucky someone may recognise it from your photos.
• Marcus, Er., (1959) Reports from the Lund University Chile Exped. 1948-49, No. 36. Lamellariacea und Opisthobranchia. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift (Ny Foljd), Avd., 2, 55(9): 1-133.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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