Re: Syphonota geographica from Turkey
December 13, 2002
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
Regarding the message from Turkey. This species is labelled in my books as Phyllaplysia lafonti. Attached is a shot from Italy by Gianni Neto []. No other data were recorded.
Cheers Erwin

Dear Erwin,
Gianni Neto's photo is also Syphonota geographica, which certainly suggests it is spreading throughout the Mediterranean. It would be nice to have some locality and date information.
I have checked up on Phyllaplysia lafonti (Fischer, 1870) and it seems to be a good Phyllaplysia. The most obvious difference between it and Syphonota is the much flatter body and the lack of parapodia, except as small flaps over the very small mantle cavity. I have included a scan of Fischer's original drawing [1872 - Plate 15, figs 1-3] to illustrate the difference. Compare this with my photo showing the opened parapodia on the Syphonota geographica Fact Sheet. There are some good colour photos of what seems to be correctly identified Phyllaplysia lafonti in an article by Terreni (1997) in La Conchiglia.
• Fischer, P (1870) Observations sur les Aplysies. Ann. de Sci. Nat (5). Zool & Pal, 13: 3
• Fischer, P (1872) Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Phyllaplysia. Journal de Conchyliologie, 20: 295-301.
• Terreni, G. (1997) Rinvenimento di un esemplare di Phyllaplysia lafonti (P. Fischer, 1870) nelle acque litorali di Livorno (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia, Aplysiomorpha). La Conchiglia, Roma, 29 (282): 45-47.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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