Flabellina from Principe, West Africa
December 19, 2002
From: Paul Young

Hi Bill,
We did some diving off Principe (northern island of Sao Tome e Principe, equatorial West Africa), November 2002.
This is the only nudibranch species we found, and is about 15 mm long.
Do you recognize it?
Young, P., 2002 (Dec 19) Flabellina from Principe, West Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8696
Dear Paul,
I would say that it is a species of Flabellina. I also have a strong suspicion that it is probably Flabellina marcusorum which we recently have had on the Forum from Brazil. Your animal looks very like those in Phanor Montoya's message from the Caribbean coast of Colombia. If it does prove to be this species, then it almost certainly a new record from West Africa. Any comments from those of you familiar with Atlantic species of Flabellina would be very welcome.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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