Limacia ornata from Japan
January 17, 2003
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Bill,
Here is a sea slug, Euphurus ornatus, which I observed in 2002, which I would like to contribute to the Forum. They are found on the underside of stones or the hollow of the rock. Theye were found at Osezaki, Suruga Bay, Japan
Upper Photo: 30 Apr 2002, Size approx: 6mm, Depth: 6m, Temperature: 19C. Lower Photos: 2 Jan 2003, Size approx: 5mm, Depth: 2m, Temperature: 15C. Photos: Jun Imamoto
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto

Dear Jun,
Thanks for these interesting photos. Although named Euphurus ornatus by Baba, it is now considered to belong in the genus Limacia, and to match that, E. ornatus becomes L. ornata. Your photos show the heavily spiculate skin of the mantle and the tubercles very well. I have included photos of the radula and an animal from Sydney.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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