Aegires punctilucens from Japan
January 28, 2003
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Bill,
Here is a sea slug, Aegires punctilucens, which I observed in 2002, which I would like to contribute to the Forum. They are found on seaweed covered rocks. I am happy if these reports are useful for your research.
Echizen-coast, Wakasa Bay, Japan, 10 July 2002. Approx 7mm long, Depth: 4m, Temp: 23C.
Photos: Jun Imamoto
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto

Dear Jun,
Thanks for these photos. This is another of those species with a puzzling distribution. It was originally described from the Mediterranean and is also known from the north Atlantic coast of Europe. As I have discussed on the Fact Sheet, European workers have doubted whether the records of this similar looking species from Japan is the same. I have posted some radula illustrations of an animal from eastern Australia, and photos of another animal from eastern Australia and one from Hong Kong to illustrate the widspread distribution of this animal in the western Pacific.
I have posted a close-up alongside which shows the spiculate nature of the skin, the flattened tips to the tubercles, and the characteristic blue spots, ringed with ornage-brown.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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