Doto sp. from Sea of Japan
February 8, 2003
From: Alexei Chernyhev

Dear Dr. Rudman,
I have problem with identification of one nudibranch species. Unfortunately I haven't got this specimen but it was photographed by Mr. Alexander Ratnikov in Peter the Great Bay (Russian coast of the Sea of Japan) in 2002. Undoubtedly, it is Doto. This specimen is closest to "dark" form Doto cf. pita described from Hachijo Island by Shouichi Kato.
Thank you very much,
Alexei Chernyshev
Institute of Marine Biology
Vladivostok, Russia.
Chernyhev, A., 2003 (Feb 8) Doto sp. from Sea of Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alexei,
Thanks for the photo. It does look quite like Shouichi Kato's photo, but as you will have seen in other messages on the Forum concerning the identification of species of Doto worldwide, a knowledge of their anatomy and their preferred food is essential for sensible identifications.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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