Hypselodoris infucata or H. kanga?
February 12, 2003
From: Danny Van Belle

Hi Bill,
You remember the pictures of Hypselodoris kanga which were very similar to Hypselodoris zebrina!
Here's another one from the same divesite which to my opinion could also be H. kanga but looks completely different to the other ones! You can also see them regulary on this divesite 'the boonsung wreck'
Divesite: Boonsung wreck - Tap Lamu, west coast of Thailand. Depth: 15m. Length: max 2cm.
Danny Van Belle

Dear Danny,
This is definitely Hypselodoris infucata. In fact it looks quite like the ones in the message just posted from Turkey. One quite typical feature is the series of dark patches, usually diamond-shaped down each side of the mantle. One simple way to distinguish it from from H. kanga is that in H. kanga the gills are triangular in cross section and the outer face, which is without gill leaflets has a series of yellow spots. In H. infucata the gills are two-sided in cross-section, with a thin red line along the edge.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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