Hypselodoris villafranca
(Risso, 1818)
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Chromodorididae
Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts from Britanny (France) to Morocco, Cape Verde Id, Canary Ids, Azores.
Angel Valdes - See his message.
Hypselodoris villafranca (Risso, 1818) is another dark blue chromodorid species with several dorsal yellow or white lines, but generally they form an irregular pattern, something like a broken network. In some small adults of H. villafranca, there may be three parallel lines as in H. picta, but this species is easily distinguished from H. picta by the greyish coloration of the gill and rhinophores and the presence of a white line on the rhinophores. Also, in H. villafranca the dorsal yellow lines form a circle around the branchial sheath.
Angel Valdes. [See his message].
• Ortea, J., Valdés, A. & and García-Gómez, J.C. (1996) Revisión de las especies atlánticas de la familia Chromodorididae (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) de grupo cromático azul. [Review of the Atlantic species of the family Chromodorididae (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) of the blue chromatic group.] Avicennia, 1996, Suppl. 1: 1-165.
Valdes, A.., 2001 (January 24) Hypselodoris villafranca (Risso, 1818). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/hypsvill
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