Marionia blainvillea
(Risso, 1818)
Family: Tritoniidae
Known from western Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic waters
UPPER RIGHT: Adult - 04 November 2000, size: 5cm, Depth: 9m, La Grande Motte; south of France, near the Rhone Delta, Mediterranean coast of France. LOWER LEFT: Intermediate - 19 July 2001, size: 2cm, Depth: 16m, Cerbère; France-Spain border (night dive)- on Leptogorgia sarmentosa. LOWER RIGHT: Juvenile - 19 July 2001, size: 5mm, Depth: 12m, Cerbère; France-Spain border (night dive)- on Leptogorgia sarmentosa. Photos: Jean-Pierre Bielecki
Adults range in colour from a pale translucent orange to a deeper reddish brown witrh irregular patches of white. The back is covered in low bumps, each outlined with a darker line which forms a network over the body, Grows to approx 50mm long. See Jean-Pierre Bielecki's message showing the change in colour as the animal grows from a white juvenile.
Reported to feed on following octocorals: Alcyonium acaule, Alcyonium palmatum, Eunicella cavolinii, Eunicella singularis, Eunicella sp., Leptogorgia sarmentosa, Paramuricea clavata . [See Gary R. McDonald & James W. Nybakken's A List of the Worldwide Food Habits of Nudibranchs]
• Risso, A. (1818). Memoire sur quelques Gasteropodes nouveaux, Nudibranches et Tectibranches observes dans la Mer de Nice. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts, 87: 368-377
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (October 1) Marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/mariblai
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