Elysia pilosa & E. tomentosa
July 25, 2003
From: Bill Rudman

Tim Glasby's message of an Elysia on Caulerpa taxifolia has caused me to revisit these papillate elysiids which I have tentatively identified as Elysia pilosa? and Elysia cf tomentosa. It would appear that there is a papillate species, with an elongate renal ridge which has a pinkish border and can also have a black submarginal line visible on both the inside and outside of the parapodia. The only name I can confidently give to this species is Elysia tomentosa Jensen, 1997. Apparently, Jensen, when describing this species, did not have specimens showing the black submarginal line in her collection. I have included close-ups showing this variation in a separate message. It is most probable that Elysia pilosa Risbec, 1927, is an earlier name for this species, but it is not possible to confidently identify the species from his description, especially when we are not sure how many papillate species there are.
PHOTOS: Koumac Beach (=Baie de Ouanap), near Koumac, New Caledonia, 20°34'S, 164°16'E, Mixed soft and hard substrate, grassbeds, algae, 23 October 1993,
Upper Photo: 2 animals, 14, 20mm long alive, AM C200589. Lower Photos: 50mm long alive, on Caulerpa taxifolia. This lower left photo shows the elongate renal ridge behind the pericardium, AM C200588. Photos: Bill Rudman
Bill Rudman
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