Elysia tomentosa from Japan
November 22, 2005
From: Hironori Ozaki

Dear Bill
Here is a photo of Elysia tomentosa from Osezaki, Izu Peninsula, Japan.
Locality: Osezaki, Izu Peninsula, Japan. Depth: 18 m. Length: 2 cm. 30 April 2005. seaweed grows in a sandy area. Photographer: Hironori Ozaki
Hironori Ozaki
Hironori Ozaki, 2005 (Nov 22) Elysia tomentosa from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15261Dear Ozaki,
It will be interesting to get some other opinions on the identity of this species. Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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