Platydoris argo from Turkey
July 24, 2003
From: Ferda Buyukbaykal

Hello Bill,
I found a new nudibranch in Bes Ada, Turkey this week end [July 2003]. It was 28-30 mt deep , algae and stone bottom and size 8-10 cm.
Do you know this nudibranch's name?
Ferda Buyukbaykal
Buyukbaykal, F., 2003 (Jul 24) Platydoris argo from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ferda,
I am pretty sure this is a very bright red version of Platydoris argo. I am just posting a message from Haluk Akbatur, with an animal which looks identical in colour to yours. If it is, does that mean your locality 'Bes Ada' is somewhere on Kekova Island? To make interesting records like yours scientifically valuable, there needs to be enough information in the locality data for someone with little knowledge of the locality - be it Turkey, Australia or the USA - to be able to find it fairly easily. I could find where Kekova Island is, but I can't find Bes Ada.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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