Alien nudibranchs from Maltese waters?
March 30, 2010
From: Alan Deidun

Dear Bill,
This is Alan Deidun from the University of Malta - am attaching 2 photos of nudibranch species recently recorded from Maltese waters - I am pretty sure that the first individual is a Bursatella leachii, but I have no clue as to the identity of the 2nd individual (i.e. shown in lower photo). Can you please help me out? I will obviously acknowledge your assistance.
Locality: coastal area, 20-25m, Malta, Mediterranean Sea. Photographer: Alan Deidun.
Thanks in advance for your generous help,
Deidun, A., 2010 (Mar 30) Alien nudibranchs from Maltese waters?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alan,
The upper animal is indeed the late arrival Bursatella leachii but I am pretty sure the second is a yellow form of Platydoris argo, which is a well-known member of the Mediterranean fauna.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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