Hypselodoris acriba from the Grenadines
August 21, 2003
From: Marli Wakeling

Hi Bill,
Here is Hypselodoris acriba that I found on a shallow dive in the Tobago Cays, near Carriacou in the Grenadines. Unfortunately, I had my 15mm lens on, so it's a tad small in the image. It's the first dorid that I have found in the Caribbean, but I guess it could be called on the fringe of the Atlantic. A gorgeous animal.
By the way, we also spotted a Hypselodoris bayeri in Grenada, but it was far too small (1 cm.)to show up on a wide angle shot.
Date: July, 2003
Dive Site: Snake Channel, Tobago Cays.
Depth: 35 feet
Length: 5 cm.
Photo: Marli Wakeling
Marli Wakeling
Wakeling, M., 2003 (Aug 21) Hypselodoris acriba from the Grenadines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10793Thanks Marli,
Considering the confusion surrounding the identity of some of these Caribbean chromodorids, I'll have to take your word on this ones identity, as its a bit hard to see enough detail to be sure.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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