Hypselodoris acriba from Biscayne National Park, Florida
May 4, 2005
From: Paul Osmond

Here is another sighting of Hypselodoris acriba from Florida and unlike my other message where a friend of mine saw it, this time I had the pleasure of seeing it for myself. This is one gorgeous nudibranch.
Biscayne National Park is about 40 miles from the previous sighting in Key Largo, Florida in 2003, so I think it is reasonably safe to assume there is an established population in the area - even if they are not seen often.
This one was moving over the remains of a late 1800's era wreck - and I mean really moving. For a nudibranch this one has quite a turn of speed and was very active. We had three photographers on the dive and it probably covered 10-15m in the 5-10 minutes we observed it (included a planned intentional float from the wreckage down to the ocean floor)
Locality: Earl Wreck, Biscyance National Park, Florida, USA, Atlantic. Depth: 5m. Length: 40 mm. 24 April 2005. Shallow ocean floor, natural wreck. Photographer: Paul Osmond
Osmond, P.T., 2005 (May 4) Hypselodoris acriba from Biscayne National Park, Florida. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13672Dear Paul,
Thanks for these great photos. Gradually we are beginning to clarify these Caribbean species of Marcus. It is becoming a real community exercise.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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