Sagaminopteron ornatum from SE Queensland
September 3, 2003
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill,
Please find attached a photo of Sagaminopteron ornatum I took 23 August 2003 at Old Woman Island of Mooloolaba [SE Queensland, Australia]. Depth was 8m. 10mm length
This shot I believe shows the animal's gills, am I right?
Thanks for your help
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G., 2003 (Sep 3) Sagaminopteron ornatum from SE Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Gary,
Yes your photo does show a gill. I guess there may be more below that one. Most cephalaspideans, including most gastropterids, have a single gill, but Sagaminopteron ornatum, and others in that genus can have 4 or 5 gills, arranged on the right side of the body, one above the other.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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