Sagaminopteron ornatum from Port Phillip Heads
May 19, 2006
From: Marc Saunders

Hi Bill,
Would you mind helping me out with the identity of this guy, which I think is a Chromodorid of some kind. No doubt it is common, but I can't find it in my field guides.
Locality: The Maze, Port Phillip Bay, 10, Victoria, Australia, Bass Strait, 25 APR 2006. Length: 25mm. Photographer: Marc SAUNDERS.
Saunders, M., 2006 (May 19) Sagaminopteron ornatum from Port Phillip Heads. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marc,
Although colourful this is not a chromodorid. In fact it is not a nudibranch, but belongs to a more 'primitive' group of sea slugs, the Cephalaspidea [Bubble shells, Bullomorpha], in which many representatives still have some trace of a shell. Your animal is Sagaminopteron ornatum . It is a bit different in colour from animals I am more familiar with from eastern Australia, but this appears to be the colour pattern found in southern Australia. Have a look at the Fact Sheet and other messages from Australia and Japan.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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