Halgerda formosa from Reunion Is.
November 26, 2003
From: Yves Coze

Dear Bill
Here are pictures of what I believe could be Halgerda formosa. These were found in Reunion Island, in La Possession "Abri Côtier".
I spotted two different specimen, both of them on rocky area. One of them was I guess looking for it's way on an coral rock.
In comparison to the specimen sent previously, these were much smaller (no more than 2 cm long) and there lines were more like orange rather than yellow. I guess maybe it's some kind of Juvenile form.
They were in shallow water (5 m deep), but I as I mentioned in a previous message this water sometimes in a mix between fresh and salty water.
As in "Cap La Houssaye", this place is a mix from sponges (brownish and greenish sponges), algae (small algae growing on the rocks) and smal coral reefs.
Hoping this helps.
Best wishes
Yves Coze
Coze, Y., 2003 (Nov 26) Halgerda formosa from Reunion Is.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10839
Dear Yves,
We still have some things to learn about these species of Halgerda so it is very helpful to get further photos to help us sort out the degree of variation in each species. I think we can say that some of the important features of this species are the way the yellow lines [and associated ridges]are arranged longitudinally with very few transverse lines. The rhinophore clubs are dark brown or black and there is a dark brown or black line down the posterior side of the rhinophores stalk. The upper edge of the gills are lined with a dark brown or black line. Althought here are no dark spots on the mantle in your animals there appears to be a black mark on the posterior tip of the foot.
I feel that these animals are a form of H. formosa. By chance I am also posting a message today from Marina Poddubetskaia of animals which Shireen Fahey feels is also this species. However as I say in that message I feel that is a different species.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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