Mating Halgerda formosa from Reunion Island
December 17, 2008
From: Hugues Flodrops

Concerning message #20448:
Dear Bill,
Here is one picture of a pair of Halgerda formosa. I'm sorry for the single picture but there was a lot of current by night inside the grotto. We can see one animal has a black spot on the posterior part of the mantle and the other does not. This picture may be enough to show that H. formosa doesn't always have black spots on the mantle. The rhinophores are partly retratced so we can't see if there is a black line on the rhinophore stalk.
Locality: Etang-Salé "Les Brisants", 1,5 metre, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, 12 December 2008, By night, strong current. Length: 25-30 mm. Photographer: Hugues Flodrops.
Thanks again for your opinion.
Bests regards.
Flodrops,H., 2008 (Dec 17) Mating Halgerda formosa from Reunion Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Hugues,
Thanks for this photo. It is always good to get a mating pair, especially when they show some differences, as it helps to link different colour patterns to one species. The parallel lines inside the ridges certainly fits Bergh's original painting of H. formosa.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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