Ardeadoris egretta on the Sunshine Coast
December 2, 2003
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill!
Please find atttached a photo of Ardeadoris egretta I found while diving at Old Woman Island, The Wall, off Mooloolaba, Southern Queensland Australia. This one was quite large and very white. It stood out quite vividly on the wall.
Depth: 9m
Temp: 22C
Length: 110mm
Date: 29 November 2003
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G., 2003 (Dec 2) Ardeadoris egretta on the Sunshine Coast. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Gary,
I wonder if the sponge it is crawling on is significant. This is a species we don't know anything about its food so it would be good to get a photo of it actually feeding. Perhaps if you see it again on this sponge you could check out signs of feedings - a scar close by on the sponge? or a white oral tube everted out if its mouth onto the sponge?
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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