Ardeadoris egretta from Solomon Ids
December 6, 2002
From: Bruce Potter

Dear Bill,
I found a pair of these beautiful Ardeadoris egretta last Sunday. They were at about 8 meters, on a coral and rubble site just on the outskirts of Honiara, Solomon Islands. They were about 55mm long.
I never cease to be amazed at how you can dive a large area, covering hundreds of square meters, and find only two of something BUT they will be together.
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2002 (Dec 6) Ardeadoris egretta from Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
I guess their meeting place is their food. And I suspect that once mature animals do 'find' each other, they tend to stay together. It would certainly be an interesting study, but as tagging these animals is difficult it would need to be done with a species which has a colour pattern which varies enough for individuals to be recognised over a period of time.
Bill Rudman
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