Eubranchus farrani from Holland
December 15, 2003
From: Duncan v Vliet

Dear Bill
Can jou tell me if this photo is of Eubranchus farrani.
The picture was taken in the Oosterschelde near Goes en Sas, Netherlands. at a depth of 6 meters 13 June 2003
Duncan v Vliet
v Vliet , D., 2003 (Dec 15) Eubranchus farrani from Holland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Duncan
Yes I think this is E. farrani. A you'll see from the information already on the Forum for this species, it has a number of colour variations. The orange-brown marks on the body of your animal, and the traces of an orange subterminal band on the swollen cerata certainly fit this species.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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